BIGO為電競玩家帶來新服務Cube TV

Cube TV的推出是BIGO擴張戰略的體現。該應用以移動游戲直播、電競競技場和游戲商城為核心,讓用戶有機會成為職業玩家

新加坡2018年5月23日電 /美通社/ -- 總部位於新加坡、旗下擁有BIGO LIVE直播應用軟件的BIGO宣布推出新服務Cube TV。該服務將側重於移動游戲直播、電競競技場和游戲商城,力求全方位滿足游戲玩家的需求。

Mr. Samuel A. Pangerapan, General Director of Applied Information (Ministry of Communication and Information of Republic of Indonesia) "BIGO LIVE has the best AI monitoring technology and the government would like to adopt BIGO's AI monitoring technology in support of Internet Positive program in Indonesia."
Mr. Samuel A. Pangerapan, General Director of Applied Information (Ministry of Communication and Information of Republic of Indonesia) "BIGO LIVE has the best AI monitoring technology and the government would like to adopt BIGO's AI monitoring technology in support of Internet Positive program in Indonesia."

Mr. Samuel A. Pangerapan, General Director of Applied Information (Ministry of Communication and Information of Republic of Indonesia) "BIGO LIVE has the best AI monitoring technology and the government would like to adopt BIGO's AI monitoring technology in support of Internet Positive program in Indonesia."



Mobile Legend. Mr. Caya Yan, Operational Director of Mobile Legend "Mobile Legend will partner Cube TV to roll out its esports activities and promotion in Indonesia and more to come." 2nd right Professional gamer Micheal Souw and most right Mr. Fearus)
Mobile Legend. Mr. Caya Yan, Operational Director of Mobile Legend "Mobile Legend will partner Cube TV to roll out its esports activities and promotion in Indonesia and more to come." 2nd right Professional gamer Micheal Souw and most right Mr. Fearus)

Mobile Legend. Mr. Caya Yan, Operational Director of Mobile Legend "Mobile Legend will partner Cube TV to roll out its esports activities and promotion in Indonesia and more to come." 2nd right Professional gamer Micheal Souw and most right Mr. Fearus)


Cube TV營銷主管Aswin表示:「新服務背後的理念就是營造一種氣氛活躍的游戲環境,我們為用戶創造在游戲競技場上進行互動的機會,讓他們不僅能擴大社交圈,還能與志趣相投的人分享自己的興趣愛好。商城功能讓游戲玩家能購買到自己想要的游戲產品,甚至還能賺錢。我們希望為電子游戲行業的發展出一份力,為亞洲的游戲玩家帶來更多機會。我們已經與Micheal Souw、Afif和Rahmad等職業電子游戲玩家簽約,期待有更多的職業玩家加入我們。」

BIGO副總裁James Wang表示:「2017年,Bigo Live的收入達到3億美元,目前已經盈利。Cube TV是我們繼續擴張進程中推出的最新產品,目的就是滿足用戶更大的需求。提供用戶願意付費購買的內容是直播行業最具可持續性的商業模式,我們正打算發展這項新業務。在正式登陸東南亞、中東,南美和俄羅斯之前,該服務的月活躍用戶已經超過200萬人。」

Cube TV Idonesia team sealing partnership with Mobile Legends together with professional Micheal Seouw (2nd from left) and Mr Fearus (4th from right)
Cube TV Idonesia team sealing partnership with Mobile Legends together with professional Micheal Seouw (2nd from left) and Mr Fearus (4th from right)

Cube TV Idonesia team sealing partnership with Mobile Legends together with professional Micheal Seouw (2nd from left) and Mr Fearus (4th from right)

印尼信息與通訊部(KOMINFO)網絡犯罪調查處副處長Teguh Arifiyadi說道:「BIGO一直是印尼直播行業的典范。通過交流訪問,該公司還幫助我們進行直播業務與法規的標准化工作。BIGO一直非常積極主動,有效協助我們打擊網絡犯罪。」

Mobile Legends(《無盡對決》)運營總監Caya Yan評論道:「BIGO是我們最重要的合作伙伴之一。我們很高興與Cube TV合作,共同舉辦電競比賽並推動應用內促銷。Mobile Legends將加大投入與資源,推動印尼游戲市場的發展,同時加強與Cube TV更深層次的合作,為雙方的用戶帶來更多好處。」

BIGO將在新加坡繼續從事人工智能技術方面的研發工作,這將惠及所有應用的用戶,包括BIGO LIVE、Cube TV,短視頻應用LIKE和免費服務語音聊天室應用Hello Yo。


BIGO LIVE創辦於2016年3月,總部設在新加坡。這是一家移動互聯網公司,專注於直播技術和平台服務,致力打造全球領先的社交視頻廣播社區。BIGO LIVE在全球20多個國家和地區擁有超過2億用戶,目前在業界處於市場領先地位。它也是世界上增長最快的直播平台。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

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