英仙座流星雨12日登場 陽明山實施彈性交通管制

<p>The Perseid meteor shower is active from  Aug. 12-13 and the best time to observe the meteor shower occurs between midnight and the very early hours of the morning.<br />
|(圖/翻攝自台北市立天文館 | Courtesy of Taipei Astronomical Museum)</p>

The Perseid meteor shower is active from Aug. 12-13 and the best time to observe the meteor shower occurs between midnight and the very early hours of the morning.
|(圖/翻攝自台北市立天文館 | Courtesy of Taipei Astronomical Museum)

【看CP學英文】依據台北市天文館表示, 8 月 12 日、 13 日英仙座流星雨極大期,最適合觀察的時段是在晚間至隔日凌晨前後,流星數量約在每小時 100 顆,只要選擇無光害、視野開闊的空曠郊區,用肉眼就能盡情觀賞流星雨。

The Perseid meteor shower will be visible from Aug. 12 to 13 in Taiwan. The best time to observe the meteor shower is between midnight and the very early hours of the morning, according to the Taipei Astronomical Museum.

During the shower peek, you’ll see over 100 meteors per hour. There’s no need for any telescopes or binoculars — the unaided eyes are ready to go as long as you pick a dark site away from city lights with a clear unobstructed view of the overhead sky.



The Department of Transportation, Taipei City Government said that to avoid heavy traffic around the Yangmingshan area, the authority will implement flexible traffic control on Yangde Boulevard base on actual traffic flow. Vehicles will be directed to turn back or to alternative roads (Xingyi Rd., Quanyuan Rd., Yangjin Highway, and more).


The Department of Transportation will increase the frequency of bus services too, so citizens are welcome to take the bus, and please take note of the time schedule of the first and last bus. More information is available on Taipei eBus. (https://ebus.gov.taipei/)

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