因應武漢肺炎 日本麥當勞提供「隱藏版服務」



【看英文中國郵報學英文】隨著2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情升溫,許多民眾為避免出門選擇叫外送餐點。日本麥當勞近期在Uber Eats推出隱藏版外送服務,在疫情狀況嚴峻下,為民眾送暖。

Amid the Coronavirus outbreak, many have opted to order in rather than head out for meals. Against this backdrop, McDonald’s has launched a new “considerate service” with UberEats to bring warmth and happiness to Japanese customers during these tough times.


If you order food in Japan, you should know that McDonald’s has a new “free smile” option that prints a smiley face alongside a motivational sentence, leading many to thank McDonald’s for its sweet design.


若是從Uber Eats點麥當勞餐點,不用點任何餐點也可以選擇「外送微笑」服務。

If you order McDonald’s on UberEats, you can even order a smile without ordering anything.

日本網友(@yamanoyy)在推特發文分享,他嘗試在UberEats點了麥當勞的「一個微笑」,結果送來一個紙袋上面畫了一個笑臉,以及運送費用390日圓(約新台幣109元)的帳單。貼文寫道:「我在Uber Eats點了一個微笑,一切過程順利,結果我拿到了要價390日圓的紙袋。」

A twitter user (@yamanoyy) shared the images, showing a paper bag with a smile on it and a 390 yen bill for a delivery fee. “When I asked for a smile from Uber Eats, the order went through normally, and all I got was a 390-yen paper bag,” the post reads.

日本網友(@yamanoyy)在推特發文分享點餐經驗 |A twitter user (@yamanoyy) shared the experience of ordering a smile. (Courtesy of Twitter / @yamanoyy)
日本網友(@yamanoyy)在推特發文分享點餐經驗 |A twitter user (@yamanoyy) shared the experience of ordering a smile. (Courtesy of Twitter / @yamanoyy)

特別的是,如果嫌一個微笑不過,還可以點選「多個微笑」外送(multiple smiles)。一名網友分享,當時點了21個微笑,收到餐點時,紙袋上不多不少有21個手繪笑臉,讓網友都覺得不好意思表示,「覺得這樣做對員工有點抱歉。」

If you want more smiles on your bag, you can order multiple smiles. Another Twitter user ordered multiple smiles online and shared an image, displaying 21 smiles on the back of the bag, saying that “I feel sorry for doing that to the staff.”

※【NOWnews 今日新聞】提醒您:因應武漢肺炎疫情,疾管署持續加強疫情監測與邊境管制措施,國外入境後如有發燒、咳嗽等不適症狀,請撥打「1922」專線,或「0800-001922」,並依指示配戴口罩儘速就醫,同時主動告知醫師旅遊史及接觸史,以利及時診斷及通報。

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