

日 期:2021年03月05日

公司名稱:先進光 (3362)

主 旨:先進光對訴訟案公開說明


說 明:

1.事實發生日:110/03/052.公司名稱:先進光電科技股份有限公司3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司4.相互持股比例:不適用5.發生緣由:cv-696 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District ofTexas.The apology shall state the following in English and Chinese:對於本公司針對大立光電股份有限公司(大立光公司)的專利、著作權和營業秘密所採取的不當行為,我謹代表本公司和我本人向大立光公司誠心致歉。在美國東德州聯邦地方法院及北加州聯邦地方法院的訴訟以及台灣智慧財產法院和台中地方法院的調查結果中進一步確定了這些不當行為。並由本公司對大立光公司支付相關賠償及授權金,作為我們道歉的一部份。本公司己採取措施確保不會再次侵犯大立光公司的著作權或盜用大立光公司的營業秘密。我們誠摯的感謝大立光公司的諒解。On behalf of Ability Opto-Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.and myself,I sincerely apologize to Largan Precision Co., Ltd. for the improperactions AOET has taken regarding Largan's patents, copyrights,and tradesecrets.Those actions are further identified at least in the proceedingsin the United District Courts for the Eastern District of Texasand the Northern District of California and the findings of Taiwan'sIntellectual Property Court and Taiwan Taichung District Court. Pleaseaccept the agreed payments from AOET to Largan as part of our apoplogy.Please be assured that AOET has taken steps to ensure that AOET doesnot again infringe Largan's copyrights or misappropriate Largan's tradesecrets.We appreciate Largan's understanding.6.因應措施:財務及業務方面,均無重大影響。7.其他應敘明事項:無。